Irish Songs
Morning Glory
Alive and in Colour
Top Ten Songbook
Marching to War
SL Sun Times
Winter at Uncle J's
Ealdormere Web Page
Trinovantia Web Page
Around the Campfire
The E Song

Rise and Follow David

Bonnie Dundee

The Pennsic Blues

Blazing Scarlet Banner

Knight of the Realm

The Shieldman;s Lament

The Chivalry

The Battle Song

Prince Kildare

Pennsic War Again

Bruise Marks

Wild Viking

Henry VIII

Plague Potion Number Nine

Day the Pagans Died

Heartbreak Monestary

Pennsic Privateers

Rollin' Down to Ealdormere

The Swimming Hole

At the Annual Pennsic War

Down Here at Pennsic



Baron Cord

I am a Jock


Under the Shieldwall

My Old Man

I'm a Viking, and I'm OK

Witch of the Westmorland

Music, Sex and Cookies

Moose Song

Do Virgins Taste Better

A Dragon's Retort

Uncle J as Orsen Wells
Walking Through Winter
Fall @ UncleJs
Sutans Song
Marshal Summary Report
The Man Who Would Not Die

The Honourable Baron Justinian Clarus

Songs by Sigurd 4.3 Wild Viking

I've been a wild Viking for many a year, but I've spend all my booty on women and beer.
So now I'm returning to land on your shore, to loot and to raid. I'm a Viking once more.

So let's rape, kill, pillage,
Like we did often before
Till we're loaded with treasure,
For Viking once more.

I'll go home to Norway with the rest of my crew, and I'll thank the All Father with all that I do,
And when he has blessed me, as oft times before, then I'm bound for the long ships a Viking once more.

Then I'll travel to Wessex where I used to frequent, and I'll tell all their nobles their Dane Geld's been spent.
I'll burn up the country till the night's bright as day. Then I'll take all their money and travel away.

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In Uncle J's Universe the date is: Mon, Oct 21, AS 59 ( CE 2024 )