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Marshal Summary Report
The Man Who Would Not Die
The Honourable Baron Justinian Clarus
The Man Who Would Not Die
The Man Who Wouldn't Die
By: Sir Cipriano De Alvarez
I've armored up a thousand times
for country and for king
And many's the tale that I could tell
or song that I could sing.
I've fought in Beltane's driving rain
And struggled for each breath
At salt wars and Oleno where
We damn near froze to death
I've had my share of bruises and
I've watched the arrows fly
But the strangest thing that I've ever seen
Was the man who would not die
He stood a towering seven feet
A giant among men
His armour was of twelve gauge steel
His hide it was of ten
From a land most far away he came
Their champion and King
And many crafty ways he had
To make your helmet ring
The battle lines they soon were joined
And much to my surprise
I was locked in single combat with
The man who wouldn't die
We circled round a time or two
Then I opened up the show
With an underhanded wrist shot which
Is still my favorite blow
He didn't even try to block
Just brought that greatsword down
And split my helm completely from
The chin up to the crown
And though my sword was still entrapped
In the dent made in his side
"What a mighty knight" his people cheered
"Is the man who wouldn't die"
Full four and twenty fighters fell
Before his awesome might
And though many blows did land it seems
That every one was light
The battle soon was over and
By God's own blood he went
Off to the sides to doff his gear
And hammer out the dent's
The second battle soon began
And I took another try
Bearing a sword named "Rhino's Bane"
For the Man who would not die
For "Rhino's Bane" was a special blade
Immortal for the oow
And if he had not felt those blows
He'd Damn Well Feel One Now!
Three feet of rattan I center drilled
Then hollowed out the head
And filled that hole with six or maybe
seven pounds of lead
A single shot was all I'd get
I raised that sword on high
And buried it within the helm
of the man who would not die
He didn't even bat an eye
Just calmly struck me down
And then went on the clear the field
Of squires, Knights and crown
I pondered why this man was not
A'stretched out on the dirt
I guess a head shot does no good
with nothing there to hurt
The third engagement was delayed
To give the chiurgeon's time
To pry the sword from out the head
Of the man who would not die
A battle deep within the woods
Was the last fight of the day
And the men remaining on my side
Went on their knees to pray
"Oh Lord, If you care for us
Allow your moon to fall
Upon this man for that would be
The only blow he'd call"
But as we marched atop a hill
A plan occurred which I
Thought maybe could lead to the death
of the man who would not die
Upon the hill there lay a stone
A full six feet in girth
"Oh gather round my fighters bold
We'll bring this man to earth!"
Ten stalwart lads I need with me to
Strike the final blow
While the rest shall keep behemoth here
occupied below
And when he tries to fight you
From up above will fly
This boulder full upon the frame
Of the man who would not die
It happened just as I forsaw
From out the woods he ran
And stopped there right below us as
According to the plan
The men below fought bravely while
The men above did strain
To send that boulder from the hill
Onto his alleged brain
At last the stone it stirred to life
And with a final pry
We sent that boulder on it's way
To the man who wouldn't die
Knocking trees to left and right
That fearsome missile sped
And with a final bounce it came
To rest upon his head
His arms and legs were all that we
Could see beneath the stone
But when we came from atop the hill
We heard our victim groan
Astounded round him 'bout we stood
As the day bled into night
And heard him say one final time
"My lords, that blow was light!"
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In Uncle J's Universe the date is: Tue, Jan 21, AS 59 ( CE 2025 )