Irish Songs
Morning Glory
Alive and in Colour
Top Ten Songbook
Marching to War
SL Sun Times
Winter at Uncle J's
Ealdormere Web Page
Trinovantia Web Page
Around the Campfire
Uncle J as Orsen Wells
Walking Through Winter
Fall @ UncleJs
Sutans Song
Marshal Summary Report
The Man Who Would Not Die

The Honourable Baron Justinian Clarus

SL Sun Times

Sunset Times (EST)

20 past 9 1 5

Sunrise Times (EST)

half past 10 2 6

Sunset Times (GMT)

20 past 2 6 10

Sunrise Times (GMT)

half past 3 7 11

Sunset Times (SLT)

20 past 6 10 2

Sunrise Times (SLT)

half past 7 11 3

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Programming Copyright © 2024 London Webmasters - All rights reserved.

In Uncle J's Universe the date is: Fri, Jul 26, AS 59 ( CE 2024 )