Irish Songs
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Top Ten Songbook
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Come and Be Welcome

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Song of the Wain

True and Destined King

The E Song

Blazing Scarlet Banner

The Wolves' Song

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The Song of the Northern Wanderer

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Marching to War
SL Sun Times
Winter at Uncle J's
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Around the Campfire
Uncle J as Orsen Wells
Walking Through Winter
Fall @ UncleJs
Sutans Song
Marshal Summary Report
The Man Who Would Not Die

Blazing Scarlet Banner

Blazing Scarlet Banner

Words by Master Hector of Black Height

Back when I was just a stripling
Was when I first saw rippling
Across the fields of Pennsic the points of Eastern spears
But then I saw beside me
To lead me and to guide me
The blazing scarlet banner of the Prince of Ealdormere

And if you could have seen us there
Boys, if you had just been there
The sky was full of singing and the foe was full of fear
In cold winds of September
The foe will all remember
The blazing scarlet banner of the Prince of Ealdormere

They sing the songs of glory
You'll hear the scarlet story
From camp to camp across the South, as far as Calontir
Of Grimwulf and of Aedan
Whose names set foemen hiding
When they formed up the shieldwall for the Prince of Ealdormere

We've Sir Finnvarr and we've Kelly
And if the foe's got belly
To stand against Sir Edouard too, then give the foe a cheer
There's Menken up in Skraeling
Who conquers without failing
Whenever he's commanded by the King of Ealdormere

And now I am confessing
It's our foe I'm addressing
The one who stands across the field with sword and shield and spear
I hope your steel you've mastered
Or pity the poor bastard
Who dares to face Great Aaron, the King of Ealdormere

And if you could have seen us there
Boys, if you had just been there
The sky was full of singing and the foe was full of fear (Slower)
In cold winds of September
The foe will all remember (A tempo)
The blazing scarlet banner of the King of Ealdormere

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In Uncle J's Universe the date is: Fri, Jul 26, AS 59 ( CE 2024 )