Irish Songs
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Alive and in Colour
Top Ten Songbook
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Come and Be Welcome

The Poacher's Song

Song of the Wain

True and Destined King

The E Song

Blazing Scarlet Banner

The Wolves' Song

The River Song


The Song of the Northern Wanderer

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Marching to War
SL Sun Times
Winter at Uncle J's
Ealdormere Web Page
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Around the Campfire
Uncle J as Orsen Wells
Walking Through Winter
Fall @ UncleJs
Sutans Song
Marshal Summary Report
The Man Who Would Not Die

The River Song

The River Song

Words by Master Hector of Black Height

Some lands stand strong as mountains and earthquakes do them in,
Some lands stand tall as forests ‘til the felling axe begins.
We are more strong than mountains, more graceful than the maple,
Our power is within; we are a river.

We are the people, we are a river,
We are the people, flowing free and strong.
We are the people, we are a river
and if you seek the people, flow along.

We sparkle in the sunlight if the passers-by would see,
We thunder in the rapids as we face adversity.
Come flow, my chosen kinsmen, the sea of fate is calling.
Our power all can see; we are a river.
We are the people…

We have our raging whitecaps, we have our pools of peace,
We all are of one river, we all starve or we all feast.
We sometimes lead the current, we sometimes float when tired,
Our power cannot cease; we area river.
We are the people…

Ours is the brook’s mad laughter, ours is the tidal roll,
The glacial melt our mother, the ancient sea our soul.
Come clasp hands, chosen kinsmen, such is the life we make.
Our power we extol; we are a river.

We are the people, we are a river,
We are the people, flowing free and strong.
We are the people, we are a river
and if you seek the people, flow along.

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In Uncle J's Universe the date is: Mon, Oct 21, AS 59 ( CE 2024 )