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Come and Be Welcome

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Song of the Wain

True and Destined King

The E Song

Blazing Scarlet Banner

The Wolves' Song

The River Song


The Song of the Northern Wanderer

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Around the Campfire
Uncle J as Orsen Wells
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Sutans Song
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The Man Who Would Not Die

The Wolves' Song

The Wolves' Song

Words by Master Hector of Black Height

Come, come ye wolves of the breed,
come from the Northlands, come down to feed.
Come, come ye wolves of the breed,
come from the Northlands, come down to feed.

We come from the land of the glen and high hill,
Where wild wolves still howl and the singing birds trill;
We take up our arms if our Queen and King will,
For we are the folk of the Northlands,
A people our foemen well heed.

So come, come ye wolves of the breed...

We sail 'cross the sea, past the rapids and isles,
We land on far beaches and tread many miles,
We face many foes and o'ercome many trials
For we are the folk of the Northlands,
We're known by each valorous deed.

So come, come ye wolves of the breed...

Our shieldwall advances like thundering gale,
The lindenwood stretched like a billowing sail,
Our allies will cheer and our enemies rail
When they see the swords of the Northlands
Which strike where our King has decreed.

So come, come ye wolves of the breed...

The seasons slip past and the summers soon fly,
Some day in our homeland these old bones will lie
But new hearts will race at the warriors' cry
And they shall be swords of the Northlands
And young hearts to battle will speed.

So come, come ye wolves of the breed,
come from the Northlands, come down to feed.
Come, come ye wolves of the breed, (slower to end)
come from the Northlands, come down to feed.

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In Uncle J's Universe the date is: Mon, Oct 21, AS 59 ( CE 2024 )